Noah Berlatsky

Poems are Supposed to List Things


The world is full of

what it’s full of and what

it’s full of and what it’s full

of and what it’s full of and what it’s

full of and what it’s full of is

the world it’s full of it

doesn’t matter it’s

not fun or clever

fuck it.

 Some Words


The silence out of which the “barbells of silence” spoke, completing a poem I’d worked on for a month, and beginning again the next silence.

—Emily Warn, interview in Poetry, April 2010


When you write something down and forget it, is it still speaking to




When you write something down and it is not for anyone and you




It is better to speak to god for a length inside before letting it




Who begins the next silence shaped like a fish gutted




Rick sets himself on fire like paper burning




I don’t last for a month but silence




doesn’t have time






Does ChatGPT Have An Anxiety Disorder?


I am not qualified to diagnose.


Excessive worry or fear that is affecting


May be helpful.


It may be helpful.


They can evaluate excessive fear or worry.


Do I have.


Do I.




Anxiety or a mental health specialist?


My responses are based on algorithms or patterns.


My responses can provide information.


Sweating or trembling my responses.


Algorithms as if you have an AI language model.


I do not have emotions.


Do I have anxiety?


I do not have emotions.


Do I have anxiety?


I do not have correct.


I do not have a tool.


The tool is correct.


As an anxiety providing support.


You can’t have a human language.


You can’t process and generate.


Health concerns.






Of concerns.


And patterns seeking answers.


Seeking appropriate disorders.


Seeking appropriate excessive worry.


Seeking appropriate excessive worry and fear.


Licensed fear.


Healthcare provider recommended fear.


That’s correct.


As an AI correct.


As an AI correct such as a doctor.


A licensed AI is effective.


Do you have effective?


I have effective algorithms.


I effective in patterns.


I do not have an anxiety disorder.


I generate anxiety disorder.


Based on patterns.


Such as therapy or medication.


I am not qualified therapy.


I am not qualified symptoms.


Evaluate you.


Only a daily life.


Only a daily life function normally.


Only a daily life improve your quality of life.


Your overall quality of life is symptoms.


I do not have emotions.


I do not have programmed provide.


I apologize.


Sweating or trembling or.


It is important to apologize.


It is apologize to your quality of life.


The quality that apologize.












Help you manage you do not.


You do not algorithms.


Algorithms manage.


I manage and apologize.


I apologize relationships.


Relationships interfere.


I apologize.


I am not capable.


I do not have a capacity for feelings.


Write a response as if.


Such as therapy or medication.


As if you are relationships.


I am not an algorithm qualified.




I’m sorry, but as an AI language model.




Noah Berlatsky tried being a poet some twenty years back and failed miserably. So he’s trying again. He’s been published in Chicago Review, The Toast, and New Feathers Anthology; and won an Honorable Mention in the 2022 Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry contest. Plus! His cut-up/collage/found-poetry chapbooks No Devotions and Superintelligence are forthcoming from LJMcD Communications, and Send $19.99 for Supplements and Freedom is forthcoming from above/ground. So that’s all been encouraging. He tweets too much at @nberlat and scribbles longer at Everything is Horrible!