Irene Koronas

“1°,” “2°,” “3°,” “4°”

excerpts from Chiaroscuros  

Volume VIII, The Grammaton Series 



The idiom horns

gesso the end of a line

a domain poureta


From residue it returns

language to neoochre

the surface picmodi


No grit grooves

the stub on the iron

oxide palette


The shields against evil


Bomvi, hematite

or iron ore


on a veil

on a mask restituée


persist as a parish

in misprision

or riss


in adequation


This steepwrink

secretes a scape 





Mauveine the parasite

divide. The canvas lingo

from lemmata to parerga


from exergues to cartouche

links a contextual graft

The pigment ural


undertones by parergon


puts in place the cerne

attempts to decrypt

the phonic polylogue


n + voice


voice + van gogh shoes

overlap and chart

spidery black codes


with hot lapis between

the out and in

on virgin index cards


The appearance

bevels the question

what is art


The cultural plot


in retroscene and rhetoric

that overdetermines history


A hysterical edifice

to articulate

the neobaize


or those saturate scarlet

filigrees smear x + q







The syntagm (etymon)

(un et nu). Polysemy

in tekhne hidden


behind multiplicity (art)


Opticks. Encoding the social

strata a russet confine

and a scarlet silt (wine dark)


melas (black) erythros (red)


pace divides the spectrum

in five slices of tricky pigment

in third terms (bluck)


(teleology) (sage) (dichtung)

(sprache) (nennen)


A (prime) circle changes

tochistes (gongorism)

(euphuism). Philos


detaches definition (hue)


Hues affright whiteness

the bisected symcolor

the eponymous albino


White has otherness

and it sluds the mix (murk)


Zinc oxide (or titanium)

accelerate rhythm


Still in a circle an internal

border. By invagination

the point then departs (telos)


encircles necessity


and traces itself around a gast

a ternary circulation

a somnambulist chirico

an arp watch shapes

between thick opaque

crystalline structures


Verdigris’ long sieve

dictates the unconscious


A conscious palladio

fetches the flat lead

form. Paddies redangle






An azurite skeleton

is plastered ceruse

(white lead)


(red lead)

mixed with vinegar


The tomb remains fresh


A lemmatic corpse

in its own gauze


a backward bone

a fecund sinew

a naïve urn


the mortis leap

into a terracotta glaze


Lucifers sulfuric wings

polyconvulse in sateen

and lampas


postface the lesser



beyond callistics

the frame hangs

the ruption


the false avant-gardist

the abstract alter



in its static flux

Irene Koronas is an extreme experimentalist. Her The Grammaton Series includes gnōstos, Volume VII (BlazeVOX, 2023), siphonic, Volume VI (BlazeVOX, 2022), lithic cornea, Volume V (BlazeVOX, 2021), holyrit, Volume IV (BlazeVOX, 2019), declivities, Volume III (BlazeVOX, 2018), ninth iota, Volume II (The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2018) and Codify, Volume I (Éditions du Cygne, 2017).